MPLL 10.7.07
Ladies and Gentlemen, Spunk Pro brings to you Municipal Promocion de la Lucha Libre -- MPLL! For the first time, we will be airing MPLL in the United States nationally, and we kick things off tonight with Los Robots; WORKORTRON 2001 and RoBOT X-Nueve vs Zombi I y II. The match involved lots of biting and the Robots being robotic. Los Robots lost lots of oil in this match, and had to be taken to mechanics after the match to have their wiring repaired and to get oil changes. For some reason, I think it would only be safe for los zombis to only face Los Robots, as they are not human.
He-Mano faced off with Hijo de Demonio and was taking it to the Demon with his power moves until the ROAD TO HELL -- Golpe del Infierno chokeslam put him away for good.
In a crazy Old Man/Old Man/Young Dude/Young Dude vs Old Man/Old Man/Young Dude/Young Dude match. The Rudos took control throughout the match, with the technicos getting some spirited comebacks, only for Hector Romero to get in the LARGE PACKAGE on Universtico for the 3-count, and this one is over!
Matt Dinkerdale teamed up with M.Y. Stero to face off with MY's sworn enemy, "Mysteriosis." M.Y. Stereo was originally known as Mysteriosis in MXWE, but left the company after complaining of McAdams sexually assaulting him and stiffing him on pay. Since then M.Y. has had mild success, even to be as far as booked on WILD house shows! M.Y. has become quite the hot free agent, but has risen to be a top star in MPLL. "Mysteriosis" teams with CTHULU, and the rudos take it to the technicos, until M.Y. gets a quick roll up on "Mysteriosis" for the 3-count! The heels follow up beating down the technicos, with Mesteereosis punting M.Y. in the balls! The refs are livid trying to tear him off and M.Y. is being stretchered out, with the medics putting him in a brace (on his neck, as well as a waist one..).
The main event saw OdZ, one of the most feared teams of rudos in the world take on a superstar team of Cadavor, Espirito and Juan Leche! Espirito and ZODIAK go way back, both men training together and getting into the business together, and ZODIAK (little known fact) used to actually wear a mask years ago, but lost a mascara contra mascara match to Cadavor! Ever since then, ZODIAK has been building himself back up to return to MPLL and destroy a man that people have said is like a brother to him, Cadavor! Tonight was that night, ZODIAK making sure to make his return count, as OdZ come in for the American TV debut! Young high-flying superstar Espirito catches the devious DEMOS at his own game, using a modified Casita (magistral cradle) on DEMOS, whose finisher is another variation of that, for the 3-count! Things didn't end here, as ZODIAK has a pair of scissors and is stabbing Cadavor with them, and is ripping his mask up! Cadavor's mask is half off and Juan Leche has to make to the save, OdZ are on a rampage all over the world!
1. WORKORTRON 2001/RoBOT X-Nueve(X) (14:20 - Muertito) Zombi I/Zombi II(O)
2. He-Mano(X) (13:38 - Golpe del Infierno) Hijo de Demonio(O)
3. Pedro Guterez/Hector Romero(O)/Bromista/Camillo del Noche
(24:37 - Paquete de gran) El Fantasma/Universtico(X)/Wataru Araya/Hector Casas
4. Matt D/M.Y. Stereo(O) (26:17 - Stereo Hold) Me-Ste-Re-O-sis(X)/CTHULU
5. Juan Leche/Cadavor/Espirito(O) (18:41 - La Casita) OdZ (ZODIAK/DEMOS(X)/RUINER)
10.7.07 -- Introducciones
Due to inactivity and lack of funds Manakuro Marakuso has decided that he would instead help fund the airing of Mexican Promotion MPLL in the United States, as he has seen a surge in interest in pro-wrestling from a Latino audience, and feels that the Japanese style is growing more cliched in the United States. Many Evo-1 MAX stalwarts will still be active in MPLL, as are they active in WILD, VWA, Spunk Pro, Bingo-1, etc, etc.
So now, EVO-1 MAX is proud to present MPLL!
So now, EVO-1 MAX is proud to present MPLL!
10.25.06 - Evo-MAX II
Evo-MAX - 10.25.06 - Spunk Pro Arena (755 fans)
EVO-MMMMMMMMMMMAX ran its second showing in the Spunk Pro arena after over a month layover. The fans were hot for the show, though, and we were treated to some great action! YUSUKE and Shogo Otsuka more or less just displayed their talents against Asstaco and Renegayde, while Crimson STORM and Gene Sydal put on a more scientific display that proved to be a struggle. OdZ's MAX and Power CHUCK put on an amazing tag match with the Young Guns, with CHUCK pinning the Spunk Pro Junior Champ Wataru Araya after RUINER on the outside smashed him in the face with his cast. The WWA Light-Heavyweight title was DECIDED in a great match between DEMOS and Jun Mochizuki, with Jun being the clear fan favorite, and DEMOS just being a dick. Pedigree -> SIDS Clutch put him away, to get his first title. Then the main event saw LRI, the former Evo-Trios Tag Champs put away Team Xtreme when Fat Lip used his patented BLACKSLIDE on Dink when Dink attempted a Stunner!
1. YUSUKE(O)/Shogo Otsuka (3:22 - Shining Triangle) Asstaco/Renegayde(X)
2. Crimson STORM (17:20 - German Suplex) Gene Sydal
3. OdZ (MAX/Power CHUCK(O)) (28:12 - Power Strangle) Young Guns (Wataru Araya(X)/Travis Wilkes)
4. WWA Light-Heavyweight Championship Decision: DEMOS (16:30 - SIDS Clutch) Jun Mochizuki
5. LRI (Fat Lip(O)/Stuart/VD) (22:43 - Blackslide) Team Xtreme (Dink(X)/Martha/V2)
EVO-MMMMMMMMMMMAX ran its second showing in the Spunk Pro arena after over a month layover. The fans were hot for the show, though, and we were treated to some great action! YUSUKE and Shogo Otsuka more or less just displayed their talents against Asstaco and Renegayde, while Crimson STORM and Gene Sydal put on a more scientific display that proved to be a struggle. OdZ's MAX and Power CHUCK put on an amazing tag match with the Young Guns, with CHUCK pinning the Spunk Pro Junior Champ Wataru Araya after RUINER on the outside smashed him in the face with his cast. The WWA Light-Heavyweight title was DECIDED in a great match between DEMOS and Jun Mochizuki, with Jun being the clear fan favorite, and DEMOS just being a dick. Pedigree -> SIDS Clutch put him away, to get his first title. Then the main event saw LRI, the former Evo-Trios Tag Champs put away Team Xtreme when Fat Lip used his patented BLACKSLIDE on Dink when Dink attempted a Stunner!
1. YUSUKE(O)/Shogo Otsuka (3:22 - Shining Triangle) Asstaco/Renegayde(X)
2. Crimson STORM (17:20 - German Suplex) Gene Sydal
3. OdZ (MAX/Power CHUCK(O)) (28:12 - Power Strangle) Young Guns (Wataru Araya(X)/Travis Wilkes)
4. WWA Light-Heavyweight Championship Decision: DEMOS (16:30 - SIDS Clutch) Jun Mochizuki
5. LRI (Fat Lip(O)/Stuart/VD) (22:43 - Blackslide) Team Xtreme (Dink(X)/Martha/V2)
Evo-MAX Debut! 9.8.06
Evo-MAX Debut - 9.8.06 - Spunk Pro Gym (477 fans)
It was a packed house tonight for the debut of Evo-MAX in the Spunk Pro Gym, as tonight fans were bombarded with action from the opening bell to the last bell. The night started off with Evo-MAX running its first match, pitting RE.V members Jun Mochizuki and Gene Sydal against the Los Elementals team of El Portero and Crimson STORM. It was quick-paced action that saw STORM fall to a backslide by Mochizuki in just over 25 minutes in a match that not only set a ton for the night, but for the promotion in general! The second match saw a change of pace as VIOLENCE's YUSUKE took it to TFW's Martin Fairbairn in a brutal match. Martin's fists and head drops were shaking YUSUKE to his core, but YUSUKE fought back with all of his heart, finally catching Martin in a Shining Triangle which he tried to escape with a powerbomb, but ended up cutting off his air supply and forced him to tap out.
Next came the first multi-man (err, multi-person) tag, as a newly shaved Dink, sporting a 'Geoff 3:16' shirt, knee braces and a fake beard stomped down to the ring alongside his girlfriend Martha and his little brother, 'V2.' They faced off with the dominant team of OdZ, made up of DEMOS, Power CHUCK and the newly injured RUINER. RUINER has just undergone surgery on his arm after it was broken by Shogo Otsuka at Spunk Pro's "Wills Dissolve" (SHILL!), but still chose to compete, but with his arm in a heavy cast. To say the cast got involved would be an understatement, as he clocked Dink's little brother with it, leading into the SIDS Clutch for the 3-count, and proving once again that OdZ are tough fucking bastards.
Former teammates, and both former Spunk Pro Junior Heavyweight Champions MAX and Shogo Otsuka squared off in a very technical fight that saw lots of matwork in the early portions of the match, with MAX's wrestling vs Shogo's jiu-jitsu. Neither man had a distinct advantage in the early portions of the match, until Shogo started working over the arm of MAX. MAX was still able to use his sheer power to break out of most of Shogo's submission attempts, and even to toss Shogo around with his devastating suplexes. It finally took a nasty Uraken from Shogo to not only knock MAX down, but out for a 3-count, securing Shogo's spot at the top of the food chain here in this debut event!
This all leads to the main event, for over 2 years now LRI have held the Evo-01 Trios Titles, and all had thought they were retired when Fat Lip went away, but Manakuro Marakuso was able to convince Fat Lip to return to the ring again, and reinstated the Evo-01 Trios belts, and tonight the reunion of the original LRI drove the crowd crazy. They faced off against the Young Guns team of Tom Johnson, the rookie of the bunch, the ever-energetic and enthusiastic Travis Wilkes and the Spunk Pro Junior Heavyweight Champion Wataru Araya in a match that tore the arena down. LRI was out in full force, with Fat Lip bringing out a new BENZ~! to the arena, as Stuart and VD brought the WILD Tag Championships with them as well. LRI didn't miss a beat, and seemed like they had been teaming the whole year or so that Fat Lip had been missing and worked their ref distractions and cheating out to near perfection, but the Young Guns team refused, in this Evo-MAX debut show to let down their mentor Marakuso as they kept coming back for more. Bloody, battered, bruised and bewildered they kept coming, until finally Travis Wilkes nails the moonsault press on VD Dod and scores the huge 3-count, as we crown new champions after over 2 years! Marakuso comes to the ring and presents his pupils with the titles as they celebrate, as the fans erupt!
1. RE.V (Jun Mochizuki(O)/Gene Sydal) (25:41 - Backslide) El Portero/Crimson STORM(X)
2. YUSUKE (23:01 - Shining Triangle) Martin Fairbairn
3. OdZ (DEMOS(O)/RUINER/Power CHUCK) (20:06 - SIDS Clutch) Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2(X))
4. Shogo Otsuka (16:47 - Uraken) MAX
5. Evo-01 Trios Titles: Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes(O)/Tom Johnson) (29:34 - Moonsault Press) LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD(X))
It was a packed house tonight for the debut of Evo-MAX in the Spunk Pro Gym, as tonight fans were bombarded with action from the opening bell to the last bell. The night started off with Evo-MAX running its first match, pitting RE.V members Jun Mochizuki and Gene Sydal against the Los Elementals team of El Portero and Crimson STORM. It was quick-paced action that saw STORM fall to a backslide by Mochizuki in just over 25 minutes in a match that not only set a ton for the night, but for the promotion in general! The second match saw a change of pace as VIOLENCE's YUSUKE took it to TFW's Martin Fairbairn in a brutal match. Martin's fists and head drops were shaking YUSUKE to his core, but YUSUKE fought back with all of his heart, finally catching Martin in a Shining Triangle which he tried to escape with a powerbomb, but ended up cutting off his air supply and forced him to tap out.
Next came the first multi-man (err, multi-person) tag, as a newly shaved Dink, sporting a 'Geoff 3:16' shirt, knee braces and a fake beard stomped down to the ring alongside his girlfriend Martha and his little brother, 'V2.' They faced off with the dominant team of OdZ, made up of DEMOS, Power CHUCK and the newly injured RUINER. RUINER has just undergone surgery on his arm after it was broken by Shogo Otsuka at Spunk Pro's "Wills Dissolve" (SHILL!), but still chose to compete, but with his arm in a heavy cast. To say the cast got involved would be an understatement, as he clocked Dink's little brother with it, leading into the SIDS Clutch for the 3-count, and proving once again that OdZ are tough fucking bastards.
Former teammates, and both former Spunk Pro Junior Heavyweight Champions MAX and Shogo Otsuka squared off in a very technical fight that saw lots of matwork in the early portions of the match, with MAX's wrestling vs Shogo's jiu-jitsu. Neither man had a distinct advantage in the early portions of the match, until Shogo started working over the arm of MAX. MAX was still able to use his sheer power to break out of most of Shogo's submission attempts, and even to toss Shogo around with his devastating suplexes. It finally took a nasty Uraken from Shogo to not only knock MAX down, but out for a 3-count, securing Shogo's spot at the top of the food chain here in this debut event!
This all leads to the main event, for over 2 years now LRI have held the Evo-01 Trios Titles, and all had thought they were retired when Fat Lip went away, but Manakuro Marakuso was able to convince Fat Lip to return to the ring again, and reinstated the Evo-01 Trios belts, and tonight the reunion of the original LRI drove the crowd crazy. They faced off against the Young Guns team of Tom Johnson, the rookie of the bunch, the ever-energetic and enthusiastic Travis Wilkes and the Spunk Pro Junior Heavyweight Champion Wataru Araya in a match that tore the arena down. LRI was out in full force, with Fat Lip bringing out a new BENZ~! to the arena, as Stuart and VD brought the WILD Tag Championships with them as well. LRI didn't miss a beat, and seemed like they had been teaming the whole year or so that Fat Lip had been missing and worked their ref distractions and cheating out to near perfection, but the Young Guns team refused, in this Evo-MAX debut show to let down their mentor Marakuso as they kept coming back for more. Bloody, battered, bruised and bewildered they kept coming, until finally Travis Wilkes nails the moonsault press on VD Dod and scores the huge 3-count, as we crown new champions after over 2 years! Marakuso comes to the ring and presents his pupils with the titles as they celebrate, as the fans erupt!
1. RE.V (Jun Mochizuki(O)/Gene Sydal) (25:41 - Backslide) El Portero/Crimson STORM(X)
2. YUSUKE (23:01 - Shining Triangle) Martin Fairbairn
3. OdZ (DEMOS(O)/RUINER/Power CHUCK) (20:06 - SIDS Clutch) Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2(X))
4. Shogo Otsuka (16:47 - Uraken) MAX
5. Evo-01 Trios Titles: Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes(O)/Tom Johnson) (29:34 - Moonsault Press) LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD(X))
Evo-MAX Debut Cards!
Evo-MAX Debut
1. RE.V (Jun Mochizuki/Gene Sydal) vs Los Elementals (El Portero/Crimson STORM)
2. YUSUKE vs Martin Fairbairn
3. Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2) vs OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/Power CHUCK)
4. MAX vs Shogo Otsuka
5. Evo-01 Trios Titles: Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson) vs LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD) (C)
1. VIOLENCE (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka) vs Asstaco/Renegayde
2. Crimson STORM vs Gene Sydal
3. OdZ (RUINER/MAX/Power CHUCK) vs Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson)
4. WWA Light-Heavyweight Championship Decision: DEMOS vs Jun Mochizuki
5. LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD) vs Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2)
1. RE.V (Jun Mochizuki/Gene Sydal) vs Los Elementals (El Portero/Crimson STORM)
2. YUSUKE vs Martin Fairbairn
3. Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2) vs OdZ (DEMOS/RUINER/Power CHUCK)
4. MAX vs Shogo Otsuka
5. Evo-01 Trios Titles: Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson) vs LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD) (C)
1. VIOLENCE (YUSUKE/Shogo Otsuka) vs Asstaco/Renegayde
2. Crimson STORM vs Gene Sydal
3. OdZ (RUINER/MAX/Power CHUCK) vs Young Guns (Wataru Araya/Travis Wilkes/Tom Johnson)
4. WWA Light-Heavyweight Championship Decision: DEMOS vs Jun Mochizuki
5. LRI (Fat Lip/Stuart/VD) vs Team Xtreme (Dink/Martha/V2)

Manakuro Marakuso forms Evo-MAX
Manakuro Marakuso, in the wake of Spunk Pro's "Wills Dissolve" show has announced that due to the overwhelming popularity of more fast-paced style fans have grown to love over the past few years that a new spliter promotion has formed and joined the WWA: Evo-MAX. Evo-MAX will be a squad-based promotion (in the vein of Toryumon Japan) that will feature both junior heavyweight and varied heavyweights, with the main focus relying on the fast-paced action that happens in multi-man tags. The main titles for now will be the Evo-01 Trios Titles, which LRI still hold after winning them in March of 2004 at Evo-01 (different lineage from the Evo-01 Tag Titles they splintered off when Fat Lip left) as well as the Spunk Pro Juniorheavyweight Championship, on top of this Marakuso will introduce the WWA Light-Heavyweight Championship, to be decided at a later date. The roster goes as follows, listed by squads:

Young Guns: Wataru Araya, Travis Wilkes, Tom Johnson (Alignment - Face)

VIOLENCE: Ti'en Yangisawa, YUSUKE, Shogo Otsuka (Alignment - Tweener)

LRI: Fat Lip, Stuart, VD (Current Evo-01 Trios Champions -- Alignment - Heel)

OdZ: DEMOS, RUINER, MAX, Power CHUCK (Alignment - Heel)

RE.V: Tomohiro Ito, Jun Mochizuki, Gene Sydal (Alignment - Face)

Los Elementals: Crimson STORM, El Portero, Hector Casas (Alignment - Face)

Team Xtreme: DiNk, Martha, Jeff "v2" Dinkerdale (Alignment - Face)

Senior Official: Pete Batfarti (And the reason he is there... Young boys... Yeah..)
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